Assignor's Assistant™ Version 10
Assign referees and umpires
Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball
- List your game officials, the dates and times they can't work, and their ratings
- Enter the schedule or import it from League Organizer™
- Assign the officials from a drop-down list showing only those available and rated for each game
- Officials
- name, address, home, work, cell phone, fax, email
- preferred position
- ratings
- pay scale
- certification levels and dates
- days, dates and times not available to officiate
- pay scale for each officiating position and difficulty
- fee multiplier entered into official's entry screen to account for those paid more or less than the standard fee
- paid only for games completed
- Organizations
- Schedules
- game date, time, location, teams
- site names and locations
- game scores
- Assigning
- assign officials to games using availability, ratings, certifications
- drop down pick list of those officials who are avaiable and certified for each game
- Reports
- officiating worksheets, schedules, reports
- list of unscheduled officials for last minute assigning
- HTML schedule of assignments for your web site
- assignor's worksheet grouping games by date and location
- assignments by date and location
- list of unassigned officials by date
- game official conflicts report
- count of assignments
- percentage of games completed
- schedules for each team, division, league, site
- schedule for each official
- scores and standings
- team standings for each division
- earnings and payments
- lists of checks and deposits
- income statement & balance sheet
- labels for pay envelopes
- email assignments to each game official
- 1099's
- lists of game officials
- availability
- certifications
- mailing labels
- ID Card
- Multiple Sports
- baseball, basketball, football, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball
- International Support
- Supports phone numbers, postal codes, dates, and metric measurements for Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, UK, and US. Others added on request.
- Schedules, results, and standings can be printed with Spanish headings